3 Common Heating Repairs in Atlanta, GA | Comfort Zone
February 18, 2013

Cold? Even in the relatively moderate winters in Atlanta, GA, your heating system is susceptible to wear and tear, damage as a result of faults or non-use, or other problems that need to be fixed by a heating repair technician. If you’re skeptical about your heating system, think that it’s not running up to your heating expectations, or simply does work, it’s time you called your local Atlanta heating repair specialists. Call Comfort Zone today. Let’s review 3 common heating repairs that may need to be performed on your heating system.

  • Your heater produces no heat.

It could indicate a thermostat issue: that it’s set too low to “call” for the furnace to kick in, or that it’s simply not working properly or needs proper calibration. The problem could also be electrical: the circuit breaker or fuse controlling your heating system may be faulty. Any number of potential issues are also possible: a control valve is closed, the pilot light is out or the electric ignition needs repair.

  • Your heater does not produce enough heat.

It could be a filthy, clogged air filter, blocking the flues or ventilation. Anything impeding the airflow will mark a significant decrease in your system’s heating effectiveness. Your burners may also be dirty or need professional adjustment, or there may be further air obstruction issues in the combustion chamber. Again, symptoms do not necessarily indicate straightforward solutions and are best left to a professional heating repair technician.

  • Your heater turns on and off too frequently.

A constant switching on and off of your heating system is not only unpleasant to listen to, it’s also an indication of a problem. In this case, it might be a dirty or clogged air filter, or it could also be a problem with your blower motor that circulates the hot air through your ductwork. Moreover, this frequent switching may also indicate a thermostat issue.

Heed the warning signs. Make sure to schedule a heating repair service with your local professional. Call the Atlanta heating technicians at Comfort Zone Heating & Air today.


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